How everything started?
In July this summer we gave few interviews for some Macedonia portals where we explained how treebanks works and what we want to achieve. Shortly after Macedonia2025 sent us an invitation to take part of the panel Macedonia2025 summit panel for clean air.
We swiftly accepted this invite which led to a meeting with the CEO of Macedonia2025 Nikica Mojsoska, it was discussed how the panel will be organized and the possibility to sign memorandum between Treebanks and Macedonia2025. This meeting inspired Nikica to extend the traditional Vodno hike (that happens at the end of the Macedonia2025 summit) with tree planting action.
The process
We needed to find out wether Mountain Vodno needs more tree plantings. All the responses led to Parkovi Zelenilo Skopje. Which is the main stakeholder for planting trees at Mountain Vodno. We found out the bureaucracy framework to get a permit for planting from an informal talk with Parkovi i Zelenilo employees. Due to this we made official request for permit to plant trees at Vodno to Grad Skopje. To which Grad Skopje responded positively and connected us with the CEO of Parkovi i Zelenilo and the managing director of Vodno forest. Big thank you for both Grad Skopje and Parkovi i Zelenilo for their openness and collaboration. This steps made the “Planting for future” to become real.
The Macedonia2025 summit

The day for the summit came, we prepared a simple stand where participants could buy our treebanks t-shirt, or approach us. People were going in for the panels, coming out buzzing with discussions. The subjects covered by the panels and the speeches inspired a lot conversations. We were anxious if our presentation on the panel for clear air will go well. Day two, we sold some t-shirts, my confidence for the presentation has improved too.
The presentation

The presentation started with how many trees can Macedonia2025 summit plant. I wanted to acknowledge that the audience can participate in our goal to plant one million trees. We challenged the panel participants to see if their companies are open to sign memorandum for collaboration with Treebanks :). Explained how Treebanks works and invited people to approach us.

The planting

Employees from Parkovi i zelenilo and their manager welcomed us at Vodno at 9:30. They guided us to the location where the holes were dig and the planting action was about to happen. We placed the trees in the holes and trimmed the roots of the tree seedlings. Everything was ready. The planting was scheduled at 10:00. Macedonia2025 board of directors and employees, some summit participants with their children joined us. After a brief explanation of how trees are planted, everyone started planting trees. The youngest supporters enjoyed the planting the most. All together we planted 100 trees in 20 mins due to many people participating. We hope that we created small Macedonia2025 forest on Mountain Vodno.

This is how we planted 100 trees at Vodno.
P.S. Thanks to City of Skopje and Parkovi i Zelenilo Skopje.
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