Help Macedonia2025 to plant some trees!
With every booking you make from your favourite travel site, you plant trees and fight CO2
Select your favourite travel site below
The Treebanks t-shirt
The idea is simple 1 t-shirt = 1 tree. For each t-shirt bought we will plant a tree.
Macedonia2025 is a non-profit, non-political organization with primary focus on economic and leadership development, working in partnership with business, government and academia to generate opportunities and build capacities for economic growth, therefore helping build a stronger nation
Our Vision
International, independent, nonpartisan, non-profit “think & do” tank founded in 2007 by Macedonian expatriates who envision a proactive way of contributing to the economic and democratic development of Macedonia. With headquarters in Skopje and supporters around the globe, we encompass a wide array of programs that enable expatriates to give back to their homeland.
Our Mission
We are dedicated to helping create a prosperous economic climate and a “stronger nation” that will improve opportunities for citizens, companies, and foreign investors. We promote sustainable economic growth through fostering competitiveness, entrepreneurship, innovation and value-based leadership.
We are the saviours of planet Earth
Support the cause, lets fight C02 emission together.
Here are Macedonia2025 achievements
Help Macedonia2025 to plant some trees.
* To be planted counter will be updated on daily basis
* Planted counter is update when trees are planted
Why trees?
Water filtration
Forests promote beneficial water quality and reduce storm water management costs.
Climate change
Trees absorb carbon (CO2), reducing the overall concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Energy conservation
A tree is a natural air conditioner. The evaporation from a single tree can produce the cooling effect of ten room-size, residential air conditioners operating 20 hours a day.
Get in touch
If you have any questions, suggestions. Feel free to contact us.